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- ;
- ; Personal Paint 7.0 ENG
- ; User Interface Texts
- ; Copyright © Cloanto ® 1992-1996
- ; REMINDER: Use TABs as delimiters
- $VER: 88
- ;-------------- MENU TEXTS (TXM) --------------
- Proj_ect
- Load Image... <l>
- Save Image... <I>
- Print Image... <P>
- Grab Screen...
- Image Format... <i>
- Image Processing... <a>
- Flip
- Horizontal <Alt-Tab>
- Vertical <Shift-Tab>
- Environment
- Switch <j>
- Copy to Other <J>
- Copy Animation <Alt-j>
- Merge in Front
- Merge in Back
- Free Current
- Show Image <S>
- Information
- Project... <@>
- Memory... <?>
- Program...
- Quit <Q>
- Brush
- Load... <F5>
- Save... <F6>
- Print...
- Grab Window...
- Process... <A>
- Restore <B>
- Free
- Paint Mode
- Matte <F1>
- Color <F2>
- Replace <F3>
- HBrite <F4>
- Color
- Remap <Alt-r>
- Complement
- Change Bkg to Frg
- Swap Bkg & Frg
- New Transparency <Alt-t>
- Flood Transparency <Alt-o>
- Next Transparency
- Copy Image Palette
- Clipboard
- Read Brush <Alt-v>
- Write Brush <Alt-c>
- Empty
- Resize
- Stretch <Z>
- Smaller <->
- Bigger <+>
- Halve <h>
- Halve Horizontal
- Halve Vertical
- Double <H>
- Double Horizontal <X>
- Double Vertical <Y>
- Rotate
- Any Angle
- 90 Degrees <z>
- Horizontal Flip <x>
- Vertical Flip <y>
- Shear
- Chop
- Info... <Alt-i>
- Edges <Alt-e>
- Planes
- Hidden <Alt-l>
- Outline
- Simple <o>
- Square
- Shadowed
- 3-D
- Trim <O>
- Handle
- Custom <Alt-z>
- Upper Left <Alt-u>
- Upper Right
- Center <Alt-s>
- Lower Left
- Lower Right
- Anim_ation
- Load... <8>
- Save... <9>
- Play File...
- Storyboard... <0>
- Free
- Frames
- Previous <1>
- Next <2>
- Go to... <3>
- Add One <7>
- Optimize...
- Play
- Continuous <4>
- Once <5>
- Ping Pong <6>
- Range...
- Anim-Brush
- Load... <Alt-8>
- Save... <Alt-9>
- Settings... <Alt-0>
- Previous Frame <Alt-1>
- Next Frame <Alt-2>
- Free
- Text
- Insert Clipboard <Amiga-v> ; <Amiga> shortcuts only
- Next Color <Amiga-+>
- Preceding Color <Amiga-->
- Modify to End of Line
- Color <Amiga-c>
- Style <Amiga-s>
- Upper Case <Amiga-8>
- Lower Case <Amiga-2>
- Delete <Amiga-y>
- Style
- Plain <Amiga-p>
- Bold <Amiga-b>
- Italic <Amiga-i>
- Underlined <Amiga-u>
- Alignment
- Left <Amiga-4>
- Centered <Amiga-5>
- Right <Amiga-6>
- Color
- Palette
- Load... <Alt-a>
- Save...
- Edit... <p>
- Adjust...
- Default <Help>
- Restore <*>
- From Brush <Alt-b>
- From Font <Alt-f>
- From Screen...
- Stencil
- Load...
- Save...
- Edit... <~>
- Update
- Invert
- On/Off <`>
- Free
- Remap <Alt-n>
- Change Bkg to Frg
- Swap Bkg & Frg
- Merge...
- Less Colors...
- Statistics...
- Settings
- Load... <F7>
- Save... <F8>
- Memory Management...
- Encryption Key...
- Audio...
- Coordinates
- Origin 0:0 <|>
- Origin 1:1 <\>
- Color Reduction
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Dithering
- None
- Pattern
- Floyd-Steinberg
- Best Quality
- File Requester
- Expand Path
- Directories on Top
- Sort by Date
- Double-Click
- Confirm Overwriting
- System (ASL)
- Icons
- No
- Yes (Default)
- Yes (Picture)
- Yes (NewIcons)
- Original
- Language
- English
- German
- Italian
- French
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Swedish
- Danish
- Norwegian
- Finnish
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Hungarian
- Czech
- Slowak
- Slovenian
- Croatian
- Custom
- Screen
- Tool Bar <F9>
- Screen Bar <F10>
- Pull-Down Gadgets
- Pop-Up Gadgets
- Graphics
- Snap to Grid... <G>
- Clip <!>
- Color Average Resize
- Smooth Move
- Square Pixels
- 15 kHz Video
- Amiga Blitter
- Transparency
- None
- Color
- Backfill
- Workbench
- ;-------------- WINDOW TITLES (TTW) --------------
- Load Image
- Save Image
- Print Image
- System Printer Settings
- PostScript ® Settings
- Page Layout
- Printer Color Correction
- PostScript Output
- Studio Message
- Grab Screen
- Grab Screen (Ctrl-Alt = Grab)
- Image Processing
- Edit Filter
- Creation of Other Environment
- Other Environment Format
- Copy of Environment
- Merge in Front
- Merge in Back
- Free Current Environment
- Project Information
- Memory Information
- Program Information
- Quit
- Load Brush
- Save Brush
- Print Brush
- Grab Window
- Grab Window (Ctrl-Alt = Grab)
- Brush Processing
- Free Brush
- Brush Remap
- Copy Next Brush Transparency
- Read Clipboard
- Write Clipboard
- Brush Resize
- Brush Rotation
- Brush Chop Information
- Load Animation
- Save Animation
- Save Options
- Play Animation
- Storyboard
- Free Animation
- Add Frame
- Optimize Frames
- Go to Frame
- Play Range
- Clear Frames
- Animation
- Load Anim-Brush
- Save Anim-Brush
- Define Anim-Brush
- Anim-Brush Settings
- Free Anim-Brush
- Load Color Palette
- Save Color Palette
- Edit Color Palette
- Adjust Color Palette
- Copy Screen Palette
- Load Stencil
- Save Stencil
- Edit Stencil
- Update Stencil
- Image Remap
- Merge Colors
- Less Colors
- Color Statistics
- Load Settings
- Save Settings
- Settings Selection
- Virtual Memory
- Memory Management
- Image and Screen Format
- New Image Format
- New Animation Format
- Set Encryption Key
- Encryption Key Check
- Audio
- Load Audio Module
- Load Program Icons
- Load Text Module
- Workbench Screen
- Line Settings
- Area Settings
- Airbrush
- Text Font Selection
- Filter Selection
- Macro Selection
- Edit Macro
- Macro File
- About Macro
- Macro Execution
- Snap to Grid
- Free Undo
- Graphic Operation
- Brush Operation
- Delete
- Create Drawer
- Attention
- ;-------------- MESSAGE TEXTS (TMS) ---------------
- UIGraphics.pic cannot be loaded
- Memory save mode
- Audio cannot be activated
- Icons cannot be loaded
- Incorrect version of Personal.font
- Incorrect version of the program
- File format could not be recognized
- The file does not contain_the required data
- Error in file data
- The file exists and would be overwritten
- Data compression algorithm not identified
- The image is too large
- The selected image type cannot be loaded
- Stencil size does not match
- Invalid data
- Decryption impossible
- Image data is incomplete
- Error during file I/O
- Volume is full
- Another program is using the file
- Path incorrect
- The file does not exist
- Object too large
- Operation impossible
- Title not correct
- Disk not validated
- Path too long
- Volume not mounted
- File is protected from deletion
- File is write-protected
- Disk is write-protected
- File is protected from reading
- Disk incompatible
- Disk is not mounted
- Clipboard device cannot be opened
- Clipboard does not contain_the required data
- Clipboard write error
- Printer device cannot be opened
- Error during printer output
- PostScript module cannot be opened
- Studio server cannot be activated
- The screen is not available any more
- The window is not available any more
- The filter requires_two environments
- The filter requires_an additional brush
- The filter requires_a brush
- The other image has been modified
- The other animation has been modified
- Brush # %ld will be lost
- The current one is the only brush
- The size of the following brush_does not match
- Brush size is %ld×%ld, %ld planes
- Used size is %ld×%ld, %ld planes
- The animation can be viewed_using "Play File"
- The display mode_does not support double-buffering
- Animation is not possible:_image larger than screen
- The animation will be lost
- The animation has been modified
- %ld frames out of %ld would be stripped
- No frames to strip
- Brush frames will be lost
- Anim-Brushes cannot be loaded_as animations
- Animations cannot be loaded_as anim-brushes
- No memory for undo
- Animations cannot be merged
- Virtual memory storage limit exceeded
- Virtual memory settings_cannot be changed
- The font cannot be opened
- The current font has no palette
- Line too long: %ld
- Invalid parameter in line # %ld
- Syntax error in line # %ld
- The image will be cut
- The undo buffer will be freed
- Error: the keys are different
- Workbench screen cannot be closed
- Workbench screen cannot be opened
- There is not enough memory
- Insufficient Chip memory_to display window
- Insufficient Chip memory_for the requested screen
- No monitor information_for the requested screen mode
- The requested screen mode_requires ECS or higher
- The requested screen mode_requires 2.x O.S. or higher
- The requested screen cannot be used
- Invalid number of colors_for the requested screen
- The changes will be applied_when the program is restarted_with the new settings
- The TMS-%ld user interface text
- should be shortened
- should be made splittable
- The file will be deleted
- The drawer will be deleted
- The drawer does not exist
- The drawer is not empty
- Invalid window size
- No information about this macro
- Error %ld in macro
- Macro returned: %s
- Macro halted
- The image has been modified
- ;-------------- WINDOW TEXTS (TXW) --------------
- Pa_th:
- _File:
- _Font:
- ABC 123 Quick Brown Foxes Jumped Over The Lazy Dog.
- Format:
- _Stretch:
- Pre_view:
- _Mode:
- C_opies:
- _Dithering:
- Sca_ling:
- _Image:
- _Shade:
- _Threshold:
- De_nsity:
- Sm_oothing:
- Correct:
- _Form Feed:
- _Image:
- _DPI:
- _LPI:
- Spo_t:
- _Output:
- _EPS:
- C_rops:
- M. _Feed:
- Co_mpress:
- Ink _Angle _UCR _GCR Proce_ss
- C:
- M:
- Y:
- K:
- R:
- G:
- B:
- Measurement _Unit:
- in
- cm
- ps
- Page _Format:
- Page Si_ze:
- Center _X:
- Center _Y:
- _Left:
- _Top:
- _Size:
- Printed Area:
- Lan_dscape:
- C_omponent:
- Gray Control
- _Brightness:
- Con_trast:
- _Gamma:
- UCR_M:
- UCR_Y:
- Activate _Window:
- _Mode:
- Inser_t/Load at:
- _Save:
- Full _ANIM Optimization:
- _Frame:
- Pl_ay:
- Cl_ear:
- Get _frames:
- Number of frames:
- _Range:
- _Length:
- P_osition:
- _Frame:
- _Direction:
- _R:
- _G:
- _B:
- _H:
- _S:
- _V:
- Co_lor:
- Br_ight.:
- Con_trast:
- _Red:
- _Green:
- _Blue:
- Image:
- Brushes:
- Colors _Used:
- Pixels Lost:
- Virtual Memory
- _RAM Storage:
- _Min. Free:
- _Disk Storage:
- Mi_n. Free:
- Mbytes
- Undo Limits
- _Levels:
- M_emory:
- Close _Workbench if Needed:
- File Name:
- File Type:
- Format:
- Frames:
- Palettes:
- _Author:
- Copy_right:
- A_nnotation:
- Type Used Free Largest
- Chip:
- Fast:
- Tot.:
- VM RAM Storage:
- VM Disk Storage:
- Environment 1:
- Environment 2:
- Brushes:
- Undo:
- Buffers:
- Total:
- _Display Mode:
- _Overscan:
- _Screen:
- _Image:
- Co_lors:
- _Autoscroll:
- _RTG:
- _F-S Error Diffusion:
- _Name:
- _Type:
- _Kernel:
- _DivF:
- _Bias:
- _Matrix:
- _Alpha Channel:
- Source T_ransparency:
- Transparency D_X:
- Transparency D_Y:
- _Subtype:
- C_olumns:
- _Quality:
- _Random Seed:
- _Help Symbols:
- _Echo Suppression:
- -- Environment Settings ---------------
- -- Program Settings -------------------
- -- Program Filters --------------------
- -- Program Macros ---------------------
- _Encryption Key:
- _Audio Feedback:
- _Errors:
- C_ues:
- _Line Type:
- Pattern:
- First Row of Brush #
- _Fill Type:
- Gradient:
- Pattern:
- _Dithering Pattern
- Pattern from Brush #
- _Shape:
- _Jet Count:
- _Name:
- _Shortcut:
- _File:
- _Arguments:
- _Word Wrap:
- _Grid Active:
- X & Y _Step:
- X & Y _Offset:
- Format Selection
- S_elected image:
- R_equested format:
- Cu_rrent format:
- Display Mode Selection
- S_elected image:
- Cu_rrent mode:
- %ld × %ld - %ld colors
- Reading %s File
- Loading %s
- Grabbing Screen
- Writing %s File
- Saving %s
- Writing PostScript Prolog
- Writing PostScript Data
- Writing ANIM File
- Printing copy %ld of %ld
- Counting Pixels
- Qualitative Color Reduction
- Quantitative Color Reduction
- HBrite Palette Optimization
- Simple Color Remapping
- Dithered Color Remapping
- F-S Color Remapping
- Simple Resize
- Color Average Resize
- Changing Animation Format
- Anim-Brush Operation
- Performing Rotation
- Creating Stencil
- %s Options
- Width:
- Height:
- Depth:
- Columns:
- Rows:
- Compression:
- Max Compression:
- Quality:
- Smooth:
- Screen Format:
- Progressive Display:
- Automatic:
- Pad Byte:
- Binary:
- Format:
- Colors:
- Graininess:
- Random Seed:
- Gray Shades:
- Compatibility:
- Parameter 1:
- Parameter 2:
- Parameter 3:
- ;-------------- GADGET TEXTS (TXG) --------------
- _OK
- _Proceed
- _Cancel
- ; File Requester
- _Volumes
- _Delete
- Pa_rent
- Create
- _Options...
- ; Font Requester
- Fonts
- PPaint
- Custom
- ; Print Image/Brush
- Edit P_RT...
- Edit P_S...
- Edit P_age...
- PS
- Studio
- _Print
- _Exit
- Ordered
- Halftone
- Floyd-S.
- Fraction
- Integer
- Positive
- Negative
- B/W
- Gray 1
- Gray 2
- Color
- 8-bit Gray
- 24-bit Color
- _R
- _G
- _B
- S_et...
- Positive
- Negative
- Normal
- Mirror
- Default
- DotIn
- DotOut
- Dot2
- Diamond
- Nova
- Ellipse
- Wave
- LineSym
- LineFlat
- Tile
- Triangle
- CoronaIn
- CoronaOut
- Propeller
- File
- Gray
- Color
- Inch
- Centimeter
- PS Point
- A4
- Letter
- Legal
- Narrow
- Wide
- Custom
- Automatic
- Paper %
- Units
- Pixels
- Times
- Cyan
- Magenta
- Yellow
- Black
- _Stop
- ; Overscan
- None
- Text
- Graphics
- Extreme
- Maximum
- Custom
- ; RTG
- No
- Yes
- Auto
- ; Image Processing
- _New...
- Edi_t...
- _Delete
- _Exit
- ; Edit Filter
- Convolution
- Popularity
- Random
- Dispersed
- Clustered
- Floyd-Steinberg
- Env. Transparency
- Brush Transparency
- Stereogram
- 4×4 (17 Levels)
- 8×8 (65 Levels)
- 16×16 (257 Levels)
- 3×3 (10 Levels)
- 5×5 (26 Levels)
- 7×7 (50 Levels)
- Random
- Constant
- None
- Next Brush
- Same Brush
- ; Memory Information
- _Flush
- Flush _All
- Free _Undo
- ; Load Animation
- Load New
- Append
- Insert Before
- Insert After
- Overwrite
- ; Save Animation Options
- All Frames
- Range
- Anim5
- Auto5+7
- Anim7S
- Anim7L
- Anim8S
- Anim8L
- ; Play Range
- All Frames
- Range
- ; Clear Frames
- Current Frame
- All Frames
- Range
- ; Anim-Brush Direction
- Forward
- Backward
- Ping Pong
- Pause
- ; Adjust Palette
- _Keep
- ; Edit Stencil
- Cl_ear
- I_nvert
- Show
- ; Merge Colors
- Cu_rrent
- O_ther
- ; Settings Selection
- _Include All
- E_xclude All
- ; Line Settings
- Continuous
- On-Off Pattern
- Color Pattern
- _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9
- ; Area Settings
- Solid
- Gradient
- Pattern
- ; Airbrush
- Elliptical
- Rectangular
- _Adjust
- ; Macro Selection
- _New...
- E_dit...
- _Delete
- _About...
- E_xecute
- _Exit
- ; Edit Macro
- S_et...
- ;-------------- KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS (SHC) --------------
- <.> ; round brush 1
- <> ; round brush 2
- <> ; round brush 3
- <> ; round brush 4
- <> ; resize round brush
- <> ; square brush 1
- <> ; square brush 2
- <> ; square brush 3
- <> ; resize square brush
- <Num-1> ; select brush 1
- <Num-2> ; select brush 2
- <Num-3> ; select brush 3
- <Num-4> ; select brush 4
- <Num-5> ; select brush 5
- <Num-6> ; select brush 6
- <Num-7> ; select brush 7
- <Num-8> ; select brush 8
- <Num-9> ; select brush 9
- <s> ; point mode
- <d> ; freehand mode
- <D> ; filled freehand mode
- <q> ; curve mode
- <v> ; line mode
- <V> ; line settings
- <c> ; circle mode
- <C> ; filled circle mode
- <r> ; rectangle mode
- <R> ; filled rectangle mode
- <e> ; ellipse mode
- <E> ; filled ellipse mode
- <w> ; polygon mode
- <W> ; filled polygon mode
- <> ; airbrush mode
- <> ; define airbrush area
- <f> ; fill mode
- <F> ; fill settings
- <t> ; text mode
- <T> ; text font selection
- <n> ; filter mode
- <N> ; filter selection
- <> ; start macro
- <> ; macro selection
- <b> ; define brush
- <>> ; magnify +
- <<> ; magnify -
- <m> ; magnify on/off
- <K> ; clear image
- <u> ; undo one level
- <U> ; redo one level
- <Amiga-a> ; undo all
- <Amiga-A> ; redo all
- <Ctrl-u> ; free undo/redo buffer
- <> ; pick grid color
- <> ; pick background color
- <,> ; pick foreground color
- <[> ; select preceding color
- <]> ; select next color
- <Shift-Left> ; move view area left - fine
- <Left> ; move view area left - step
- <Alt-Left> ; move view area left - all
- <Shift-Right> ; move view area right - fine
- <Right> ; move view area right - step
- <Alt-Right> ; move view area right - all
- <Shift-Up> ; move view area up - fine
- <Up> ; move view area up - step
- <Alt-Up> ; move view area up - all
- <Shift-Down> ; move view area down - fine
- <Down> ; move view area down - step
- <Alt-Down> ; move view area down - all
- <Del> ; show/hide pointer in editing zone
- <g> ; snap to grid
- <Shift-Esc> ; stop macro execution